The Inner Work Healing journey: Change your life

inner healing journey

Growing up I always thought life was meant to be a struggle. I watched my parents struggle financially, physically, and emotionally all my life. All of this changed about two years ago when I began my inner work journey. Before this, I was going through life and learning lessons as they came up. I felt something was missing.

This is how most people experience inner work, in this unintentional way. I am here to guide you on how you can intentionally start doing inner work and improve the overall quality of your life. Once you begin your healing journey, you will realize life does not have to be a struggle, you can live a healthy, abundant life.

What is inner work?

inner healing journey

Inner work is what you do to heal from trauma and past pain you’ve experienced. Inner work allows you to decondition your old programming from childhood. It allows you to dismantle any of your limiting beliefs and create new core values. To tell you the truth it’s all about working on your mind. Consider this, all the experiences that have happened in your life up until this point have shaped who you are today.

While on your healing journey, you will learn to forgive yourself and others, and learn to love exactly who you are. Inner work helps you to develop your self-esteem and self-confidence and set boundaries. Doing the inner work is when your true spiritual pathway begins.

Inner work brings so much clarity to your life. Without inner work, it’s hard to trust any of your decisions have been the right decisions, and not those of someone else.

Are you aware of the unprocessed trauma you have been holding on to?

The first step when beginning the inner work healing journey is to become aware that you need to do inner work. About 95% of the population believes they are self-aware but only 10-15% are.

Surprisingly, not everyone is aware that they have unprocessed trauma that needs to be healed. Now that I am more conscious or aware, I realize how unaware many people are of themselves. Because of how they were raised they may consider the treatment normal or may not think it was that big of a deal. At least 70% of adults have experienced some level of trauma in their lives. Listen, it took me a while to realize that anything that you focused on in life altered your thoughts and emotions to the point where you profusely think about these events.

Becoming aware of your trauma or any past pains in your life is important and requires you to sit quietly with yourself and reflect on everything immense that has impacted and shaped who you are today. I’m sure there are many events you can think of that have happened to you that have affected your thinking daily, even if it’s subconscious.

20 Signs you need to begin inner work

inner healing journey

At this point, you may be confused about if you need to begin your healing journey. I am here as a guide to help you make that decision.  Everybody has something they need to heal. Of course, some people have more inner work to do than others depending on their upbringing and other experiences. The list below is common signs I see in most people I meet with who need to heal different aspects of their lives.

  1. You don’t love yourself.
  2. You think negatively.
  3. You feel terrible about your life.
  4. You feel like something is missing but are unsure what.
  5. You feel lost.
  6. You don’t know your purpose.
  7. You don’t know who you are.
  8. You stay up all night.
  9. you have trouble sleeping.
  10. You have trouble forming intimate relationships with others.
  11. You feel others have the answers to your life questions.
  12. Low self-esteem
  13. You don’t consider yourself valuable.
  14. Low to no self-worth
  15. Chronic health issues
  16. Speak negatively about yourself and others.
  17. Overeat and due to this overweight
  18. You have addictions.
  19. Easily triggered.
  20. Repeat harmful behaviors every day.

Is there an end to inner healing work?

I used to have the same question. Is there an end to this and if so, will I just feel better, and my life be magically fixed forever? Well, the answer to this is No! Unfortunately, you will constantly be doing inner work throughout your life. Now the choice is yours, you can do inner work intentionally or unintentionally. What do I mean by this? Well, when we go through life we have many different experiences, and from those experiences, we learn different lessons. This is a form of inner work but not on purpose.

In the end, the choice is yours, but you will constantly be living life and experiencing different things that will likely require you to continue your healing journey.

Devine feminine inner work approach

inner healing journey

It’s important to say that as a divine feminine woman, it’s all about moving with ease and flow. This journey will be challenging but you can decide to make it fun as well. It doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s your choice. Keep in mind that the masculine is more outcome-focused while the feminine is all about the process.

Enjoy this amazing healing journey that you have been divinely nudged to embark on. For me it’s been challenging but fun at the same time. I enjoy every minute of it and don’t take it for granted. It’s a luxury to do this level of inner healing work.

Three different pathways to begin the work

inner healing journey

There are so many different pathways or approaches you can take when beginning your inner work healing journey, but it all depends on you. Everyone is unique so normally I speak to clients during an inner work consultation. I think the most common inner work that all clients need, to begin with, is self-love. There is also shadow work and inner child work as well.

What is self-love

Many people when asked “Do you love yourself?” say “Yes”. Sadly, they contradict themselves because their actions do not match their words. I think the first exercise to do is to define self-love. Self-love means setting healthy boundaries, having a high level of self-respect, and having standards for yourself. These are all things that contribute to your overall well-being and are important to have.

There are many different exercises to do to begin to infuse yourself with the love you deserve.

What has really helped me is mirror work. Do this by looking in the mirror and saying an affirmation. Mirror work helps you face your outer projections.

Affirmations are very powerful. An affirmation is anything you think or say. Write down some personalized affirmations and say them in the mirror. When doing this it’s important to say them with emotion, and really believe what you are saying. This has been life-changing for me on my healing journey. One amazing book that I’ve read that has helped me immensely is You can Heal Yourself by Louise Hay.

What is inner child work? 

Inner child work involves taking a deep introspect of any traumatic events that occurred in your childhood. The goal is to heal the little girl’s wounds you’ve been holding onto inside. Doing this time, you want to write down all the traumatic painful experiences from your childhood and create a timeline.

Remember, be sure not to discount or minimize experiences that you experienced. Then try to recognize any triggers and the emotional response that arises with them. Realize that it’s important to realize that this inner child needs love and support. It’s hard to revisit the past but it needs to be done to truly heal those areas of your life. Fully embrace your shadow work by Being an observer, becoming non-judgmental towards yourself, and don’t forget to meditate.

It’s important to give Forgive yourself on the healing journey.

inner healing journey

Starting your inner work healing journey will be challenging at times. You will constantly be dismantling limiting beliefs, setting new boundaries, and learning new things about yourself you didn’t know. As you begin to heal you will realize things about yourself you never knew. You will realize that there were things you did that weren’t even necessary. That’s ok. It’s all a part of the process. The only way to move forward is to forgive yourself.

On the other hand, it’s so rewarding. You will begin to truly begin to enjoy living life to the fullest. On this healing journey, you will no longer be weighed down with baggage from your past. You will realize that life and people no longer seem like a burden. Enjoy and embrace your healing journey because its soul freeing. It’s how you find true joy and inner peace.