How to Develop a Strong Work Ethic: 5 Tips to Outwork Everyone

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

This blog post is all about developing a strong work ethic using five imperative tips.

It’s unbelievable it is that we work in times when many people don’t possess a strong work ethic. People aimlessly clock in and out at their 9-5 pm clock out in a melancholy demeanor.

Growing up I thought it was something people would innately have. I was wrong.

Nowadays many people do not want to clock into any job at all as many have gotten comfortable with working from home or even being on unemployment. The pandemic has changed so much about the workforce. I don’t think people even think about work ethic and the meaning behind it.

Be honest is this you?

If so, why?

Could it be you don’t enjoy the job they’ve chosen? Maybe you are being led by poor management. Either way, there is a reason, and you need to find out that reason. You might be wondering if there is a way you can create a strong work ethic. Well, yes you can.

This is not the end for you, because it can be improved just keep reading.

I am here to help you get on track and strengthen your work ethic.

strong work ethic

Three Reasons you have poor work ethic?

1.Your Parents gave you everything you wanted

As a millennial how we grew up is much different than how our parents grew up. The resources they had are different than what we had access to. Growing up I wasn’t raised with a silver spoon I watched my parents work hard for what they had with the knowledge that they had. Growing up we had financial struggles.

They gave me everything I needed but the things I wanted as well. Many times, I took this for granted, the idea of just being given things. For example, I needed money, but my mom didn’t want me to work, nor did she tell me to get a job. My mom instead just gave me money or bought what I wanted. I tell you this to say that much of how we grew up contributes to how hard we work or the lack of it now. Whether you realize this or not. How you great up greatly determines how strong of a work ethic you have.

2. You hate your job

In today’s time, people just don’t want to do their jobs. Many people really don’t seem like they enjoy what they do every day, yet they chose that career. They dedicated their lives to studying, college, and graduate school, but don’t actually want to work in their field.

3. Opinions of others have dictated your future

You may not have a strong work ethic because of the opinion of others. For example, your friends, family, and society.  It’s important not to feed into what society wants for your life. It’s important not to let your parents dictate what you want to do in life. If you do, then you will not be satisfied with your life decision and career. You for sure won’t have a strong work ethic. You must do what’s in the best interest of you, not others.

The truth is a lot of people walk around like they hate their jobs its exhibited in their behavior, body language, and even the way they communicate.

In a scholarly article by Grabowski et al., a high work ethic is related to a conviction of needing to work honestly putting sufficient time and effort in.

 If this, is you it’s time to analyze why you hate your job and what’s the next step to fix this? Only you know the truth and can truly answer this question.

In the meanwhile, let’s try to improve your work ethic.

strong work ethic

Principles you need to develop a strong work ethic

You must have this strong desire to want to work hard, not only for yourself but also for other people who are relying on you. Consider the profound impact you have on the lives of others. This helps shape how hard we work and how much we value a strong work ethic.

It’s important to establish your core values when you’re trying to Strengthen your work ethic because core values and principles are the essence of why and how you live life the way you do.  

Principles are a part of your belief system. These principles are what you live by every day. Here are key principles that will help develop a strong work ethic.

strong work ethic

Three important principles

  • Attendance is major. It’s important to show up every day even when you don’t want to. Showing up consistently every day shows you care about your job and your reliable.  Whether you’re building a brand, business, or working for a corporation you must show up. People are relying on you. Speaking of attendance and showing up every day, Mark Cuban business investor and owner of the Dallas Mavericks worked hard with no vacation for seven years when starting his first business.  He showed up every day for himself and those counting on him. This is all because of his tenacity and strong work ethic.
  • Communication is major and something many people do not do properly. We don’t want to be mysterious on the job we want to effectively communicate our wants and needs. If you can’t communicate you won’t be able to truly express how you feel effectively with your coworkers or customers. You want to be effective, this way you colleagues know what is needed to better the company.   
  • Respect is a key principle to possess. I have worked for many companies where the employees don’t respect the managers and vice versa. You need to respect people by accepting who they are regardless of their differences, and whether they agree with you or not. Respect in the workforce creates trust, improves communications, and allows everyone to feel safe. It’s important to show care and consideration for those you work with to ensure a healthy work environment. 
strong work ethic

Five tips to develop a strong work ethic

Be Consistent

It’s imperative that you are consistent with everything that you do. Complete your job tasks on time and handle all responsibilities every day. Do what you need to do to be seen as a responsible, trustworthy, respectable professional no matter what those around you do.

Gary Vee the best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, and investor is always encouraging us to stop caring about what others think, start posting content, and most importantly be consistent with it. Your audience, your job, or whatever it maybe just be consistent.

Eliminate Distractions

It’s time to eliminate any kind of distractions in your life that is prohibiting you from performing your job well. For example, a major distraction is gossip whether you’re an entrepreneur gossiping on the phone every day or at a corporate job talking about your colleague’s lack of skills on the job. Time to cut it all out. It’s not productive and it isn’t making you any money.

I think someone who is great at shutting out distractions because they have bigger goals than just winning championships is Lebron James he sets the standard for this team and eliminates any distractions that get in his way.

Focus on your strengths

Instead of doing things that you are not best at focus on your strengths. Do what you are best at instead of trying to perfect something you struggle with. Up until now, my entire career has been centered around becoming a doctor.

I competed with many biology majors and struggled in many science classes. Instead, I could have just gone with what came easy to me which was foreign languages. It’s something I really enjoyed but felt compelled to continue to strive to become a doctor for many reasons.

Go with what natural flows well for you stop doing what doesn’t come easy or feel natural. Strengthen what you are good at and what comes best, and someone will always be able to be strong where you are weak.

Someone who preaches on operating in your strengths is Dr. Eric Thomas, author, consultant, minister, and motivational speaker. He teaches his audience to focus on what your good at and perfect your craft.

Set the Standard

As a leader, you need to set the standard for everything you do. Do everything with excellence. Put your best foot forward every day. Don’t worry about what others do or the lack of it. Just because someone is more talented than you don’t mean you can’t study, learn, and work hard to perfect your job or craft and set the standard.

When I go to work, I always perform all my job tasks on time despite what others do around me. Even in my entrepreneurial journey, I do everything I need to accomplish as early as possible.  I set the standard for what needs to be done no matter if it’s recognized or not.

Be Confident

Be Confident

The most attractive and necessary quality is confidence. You need to have confidence in whatever job you are performing. Know that you are qualified and prepared to perform your job with excellence. Stop focusing on what other people say about your and your abilities. Know that you are the best for the job, and you know what you are doing, and stand in that with confidence.  

The epitome of someone who moves in confidence with everything she does is Michelle Obama. First, she is a wonderful role mole, wife, author, and lawyer. In addition, she also has an amazing sense of style as well. Lastly, Michelle Obama never looks unsure when delivering a speech or communicating an important message to her audience.

If you want to develop a strong work ethic these tips are a great to start with. I know these tips will help you excel and improve your work ethic. Let me know down below how these tips have helped you?