What Is Feminine Self-Care: Your everyday Routine

feminine self-care

Self-care is essential to our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It is the practice of taking care of yourself in a holistic and intentional way. When it comes to feminine self-care, it is especially important to focus on taking care of our physical, mental, psychological, and emotional health.

More often than not, as women we put the needs of others before their own. Many don’t realize how important it is for us to nourish and care for ourselves first.

Feminine self-care is a practice that brings together our soul and body. It honors our essence, allows us to live in deeper alignment with ourselves, and helps us evoke a sense of calmness, strength, and harmony in our lives.

For a long time, I did not understand the importance of self-care, and how necessary it is for the divine feminine.  Let’s discuss the importance of self-care for women and I’ll give examples on how to practice feminine self-care.

Why Self-Care is so Important for the Modern Women

feminine self-care

One of the most important reasons why self-care is vital for women is because of the it’s so easy to burn out. Many times, as women we are animating mothering energy in our different relationships.

What does mothering energy mean?

It’s when We are nurturing, creating, and birthing here on earth. It’s important not to stay in this energy too long but to have a good balance

This can lead to a lack of time and energy for us, as we are constantly giving and serving others.

Benefits of feminine self-care

feminine self-care

Restore our energy.

While it is great to give, giving too much can be so energy-draining, and leave you feeling burnt out. Trust me, I have been there way too many times. If you give, there will always be someone to take. So be careful with how much you are giving. Remember feminine energy is all about receiving not giving. Give from your overflow, which only can happen if your well rested.

You must take care of you first babe!

Present our best self.

Self-care is important because we want to make sure as the divine feminine, we are at our best. We want people to experience our overflow. We can’t be at our best to help our families or communities if we aren’t taking care of ourselves.

Bring together our soul and body.

Feminine self-care is a practice that brings together our souls and bodies. It honors our essence, allows us to live in deeper alignment with ourselves, and helps us evoke a sense of calmness, strength, and harmony in our lives.

Today, the modern woman is a go-getter. She does it all, but by the time she is done with the day she is burnt out. Modern society is face paced, and all about high demand. It’s important we take time to rest and slow down, which we often don’t want to do.

It’s important that we know as the divine feminine how to rest. This is why self-care is critical, especially for the divine feminine.

Why Modern women are so burnt out?

Modern women these days are true boss babes. Female college graduates surpass men in the number of Americans earning bachelor’s degrees. 40% of US businesses are women-owned, and 64% of the women-owned businesses were started by women of color in 2022. We literally can do it all. And we do!

So many women these days are high achievers, and there is nothing wrong with that. I am the same exact way.

Unfortunately, modern women don’t know how to rest, more specifically in a feminine way. She is not properly taking care of herself with proper self-care. This is what results in burnout and feelings of exhaustion. This was me for about two years until I finally woke up.

Keep in mind that feminine rest is all about doing things that fill yourself up while masculine rest is more about a release.

It’s so important to understand that as the divine feminine because of how we are designed biochemically and hormonally, we need rest and must recharge daily. One way we do this is through self-care. There are so many wonderful, luxurious ways to engage in feminine self-care daily. It’s essential for all women but especially for us boss babes. Many studies have shown that home environment and, job stress has a major effect on working women and their physical and mental health.

Practicing self-care is a great way to show that we love and care for ourselves. It’s one of the greatest ways to show self-love. It sends out a message to the world that you love yourself and want to show that physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

Types of Feminine Self-Care

Feminine self-care can take many forms, and it is important to find practices that work for you individually. Below is a list of ways to rest and indulge in feminine self-care:

  1. Skincare routine: Taking care of our skin is an important aspect of self-care. A skincare routine can include cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and using sunscreen. This can help to keep our skin healthy and glowing.
  2. Yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation are great ways to relax and de-stress. They can help to calm the mind and improve overall well-being.
  3. Self-massage: Self-massage is a great way to relax and pamper ourselves. It can be done using oils or lotions and can help to improve circulation and promote relaxation.
  4. Journaling: Writing in a journal can be a therapeutic way to process thoughts and emotions. It can be a great tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Do the inner work!
  5. Taking a bath: Taking a relaxing bath can be a great way to unwind after a long day. Adding Epsom salts or essential oils to the water can help to promote relaxation and improve overall well-being.
  6. Spending time in nature: Spending time in nature can be a great way to reconnect with us and the world around us. It can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
  7. Eating a balanced diet: Eating a balanced diet is important for overall health and well-being. It can also help to improve energy levels and mood.
  8. Getting enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. A lack of sleep can lead to feelings of fatigue and irritability.
  9. Spending time with friends and loved ones: Spending time with friends and loved ones can greatly improve overall well-being. Connecting with others can help to reduce stress and improve mood.
  10. Making time for hobbies: Making time for hobbies can be a great way to relax and de-stress. Hobbies can be a great way to express ourselves creatively and improve overall well-being.

Do what best resonates with you and fills you up.

Practice daily feminine self-care

It’s important to know that feminine self-care does not mean you need to go out and leave your home to restore yourself. Self-care is not about taking a vacation away from your loved ones or family. Feminine self-care is all about taking care of yourself and being able to rest and enjoy that time.

Do what feels best to you and fills you up. You should feel refreshed and ready to create new things after resting. The societal expectations placed on women can lead to a lack of time and energy for us. Taking the time to practice self-care, helps improve our self-worth and overall well-being.

Have you been practicing self-care daily, if not how can you start incorporating this daily?