Create A New Reality with a Vision Board: Step by Step

I started unintentionally creating vision boards 6 years ago and could not believe the results. When I got intentional about it, nearly everything came true for me. Since then, I have been creating visions boards every year. This proved to me how powerful writing down, and visualizing goals and dreams daily can bring them to reality. Now I want to show you how to do the same. Let’s dive deep on how to create a new reality and your dream life.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a physical representation of the metaphysical, which is your goals and dreams in which you want to bring to the physical world. It’s a representation of your heart’s desires. God places these desires in our heart to give us a glimpse of our future. As we create this vision board, we want to create it with intention, love, and faith that it will happen for us.

Now let’s explore how to create a vision board that comes true for you for. This is not the average blog article about how to create a vision board using poster paper, magazines and glue. In this article you’ll learn how to create a vision board both physically and spiritually.

Now let’s create a new reality.

Why do you need a vision board?

  1. Clarity and Focus: A vision board helps us clarify our goals and desires. It acts as a visual representation of what truly matters to us, allowing us to stay focused on our aspirations. Example: Imagine you dream of a fulfilling career. A vision board can help you see your ideal job, reminding you of your purpose and motivating you to take action.
  2. Positive Visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool for cultivating a positive mindset. A vision board reinforces your belief in your dreams, boosting your confidence and self-belief. Example: Suppose you want to improve your health. A vision board featuring images of vibrant health and fitness can inspire you to adopt healthier habits.
  3. Law of Attraction: By regularly engaging with your vision board, you align your energy with your goals. The universe responds to your intentions, making it more likely for your dreams to become a reality. Example: I used to have such a negative mindset and attract such negative people and experiences. Once I changed my mind set to think positive about myself and life experiences, I started to experience people in a different way. In a positive way.

Step by Step Vision board that actually comes true.

Set intentions to create your new reality

Intentions are what you are aiming or planning for. When it comes to your intentions remember, there is no lack or limitations. Intentions serve as a precursor to manifesting the vision or goal you have. It’s important to plan out your year to execute it successfully. Successful people always have a plan of execution, and they take action according. Setting intentions is the first step to create your new reality through this vision board.

So, what areas of life are we setting intentions for? All areas of life.

  • Health
  • Finances
  • Boundaries
  • Standards
  • Relationships
  • Job/Career/Business
  • Spiritual life

Above are the areas I set intentions to create a new reality and life I want to manifest. I write all of this in a notebook. Take your time with this and really write down what you want to see happen in that new year. This serves as a template for the new year; you can always look back at this when you feel discouraged or not seeing the results you want in your dream life.

Materials need to create a vision board.

Time to create your new reality. It’s really up to you what you want to use a magazine, photos from the internet, your own photos the decision is yours. For the board you can use a cork board, a cardboard box cutout, you can even create a vision board on an app. The possibilities are endless. This is when you can get creative with it.

What I would not recommend including is pictures of someone else, you don’t want to be someone else or have their life be your goal. The goal is to create your own new reality. Remember this is your vision board so only include things that align with your dream life you want to create. In the end there are no rules so do as you please.

Connect with your vision to create your new reality

how to create a vision board

At this step, let’s assume your vision board is complete. Now where do you place your vision board?

I would place the vision board in a place that you can see it daily. Let it be a daily reminder of what you are wanting to manifest. Some people may say that you need to visualize your goals every day, but I say do it once and let it go.

Why? Because we are acting in faith and putting all trust in God. If this is his will for us to have what’s on the vision board than it shall come to pass. We simply believe by faith it will happen and that’s it. The rest is up to God, we did our part. Something I do is always start with a prayer, blessing and thanking God for myself, my desires, and his will for my life.

Ask, believe, and receive.

Take inspired action to align with your vision board

create a vision board

Your vision board is a source of inspiration for your dream life you want. As important as it is to create the vision board and plan carefully, it’s important to take inspired action.

Inspired action is when one takes intentional steps towards your goals that are guided by your intuition and alignment with your vision. It involves moving forward with a sense of purpose and passion, driven by the inspiration you gain from visualizing your goals on your vision board. Always remember the reason you’re trying to accomplish these specific goals and rely on God to give you strength to do so.

What does inspired action look like?

This is what inspired action looks like for example, if you are trying to date to marry, you should begin being more social, network, join dating sites. Your actions should be aligned with the desired outcome you want. You need to shift your mindset and become the new identity. You have to take inspired action in order to accomplish this.

Here is how to recognize if your taking inspired action:

  1. Alignment with Your Goals: Inspired actions are aligned with the intentions you’ve set for yourself. They move you closer to manifesting the visions you’ve placed on your board.
  2. Heart-Centered Decision Making: These actions stem from your heart and intuition rather than just your logical mind. They feel right and resonate deeply with your authentic desires.
  3. Flow and Ease: Inspired actions often come effortlessly and are accompanied by a sense of flow. They don’t feel forced or overwhelming but rather like a natural progression towards your goals.
  4. Excitement and Passion: When you’re taking inspired action, you feel enthusiastic and passionate about the steps you’re taking. There’s a sense of joy and eagerness driving you forward.
  5. Trust and Faith: You trust in the process and have faith that the actions you’re taking will lead you towards the realization of your dreams. Even if challenges arise, you maintain a belief in your ability to overcome them.

Trust yourself, trust the process, and let your vision board be a source of inspiration for the actions you take in your life.

Review your Vision Board

This step depends on how quickly your able to manifest with God. Some people take one, two, five years to manifest, while few, manifest everything, they want in six months.

That being sad it’s okay to revise and add to your vision board. I don’t think it’s a good idea to change your vision board every three months, and you haven’t manifested a single thing on it. If you end up doing this, I recommend taking a look at your desires, intentions, and journal on what is it you truly want out of life. What is your dream life? It’s important to know the answer to this as you create your vision board.

Celebrate your new reality you’ve created and adjust your vision board as needed.

“Embrace the power of your dreams, for within them lies the infinite potential of your unique and beautiful journey.” -Kelly-

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